Church of Belief Science
A Church for the Postmodern Era and Beyond
The following Canons are the fundamental beliefs of members of the Church of Belief Science. With acceptance of these, one accepts the doctrine of the Church; and with public acceptance of these Canons, one accepts a place along side other members of the Church.

Foundational Canon
Belief Scientists consensualize in defining what is understood to be religious “truth.”  Consensualizing is acting with others as if  some socially defined concept represents truth.  A belief derived by consensualizing becomes true to believers who interact around the defined religious “truth.”  (This is the principle of “Consensualizing.”  This Canon is the foundational Canon of the Church of Belief Science.)  

A related concept to the idea of consensualizing is the idea of "bracketed absolute truth." Consensualizing, as a process, leads to a "consensuality" or a "bracketed absolute truth" as an outcome. The "brackets" of the truth are the boundaries of social interaction of a group. A bracketed absolute truth is an idea that is held as an absolute truth by people within a group. To believers, it is not a relative truth, but it is an indisputable standard. But to people outside of the group (outside the brackets or social consensus of the group), the truth may appear to be relative to the group.  This is why there are so many religions, each claiming to represent "the truth." People inside a religion hold a truth as fact. People outside of a specific religion, however, may view the religion's truth to be less than credible.  (So Christians believe in Jesus, Muslims believe in Allah, and Buddhists believe in Buddha, as examples.) According to the concept of bracketed absolute truths, truth is not inside an individual; rather it resides within its group of believers. There are as many truths as there are groups of believers, but far fewer truths than there are individuals, because defining truth is always a social process (which means more than one person is involved).  This Canon also negates a Belief Scientist from taking a position that there is a universal truth; even the Canon of Consensuality gains its validity in the consensus of Belief Scientists who come together to believe it as “a truth.”  
 In other words, the truth of consensuality resides in its group of believers.

Ethical Canons (12)
Change is inevitable and valuable.  It is an ally.  Belief Scientists have unyielding faith in the collective human spirit, intelligence, fundamental human goodness, and the collective human drive to understand and to explore the mysteries of life, living, and the universe.  The future, then, is not frightening; rather it is an opportunity for the betterment of humankind.  Belief Scientists are optimists. (This is the principle of “Optimism.”)
Human life is of the highest value. Life is to be nurtured and protected. Life begins at conception in a maternal environment or embryonic insertion in a maternal environment—an environment that can bring the human to full fruition.  In circumstances where human life after birth is being sustained by artificial means, it shall be sustained, unless it was the shared wish of the sustained individual, or of a Belief Science parent (when a child is involved) or guardian (where a guardian is necessary), to circumscribe efforts of sustenance. Suicide is forbidden. (This is the principle of “Respect for Life.”)
Sharing life with another person in a consensually defined intimate adult loving relationship is of high value.  Loving adult partnerships and friendships are encouraged.  (This is the principle of “Love.”)
Children are a precious gift.  They are to be loved, nurtured, educated, guided, and protected from existing, imminent, or potential harm or exploitation.  A procreant mating relationship is the ultimate union of two people, and a child conceived of such a union is a gift and a responsibility of that union.  Motherhood and fatherhood are valuable and laudable roles, and they are also a commitment to responsible parenthood.  Church elders have a special responsibility in the care of children.  A child is someone from conception in a maternal environment (or embryonic insertion in a maternal environment) up to, but not including, the age of 18. (This is the principle of “Responsible Parenthood and Guardianship.”)
Belief Scientists believe in religious freedom, meaning that legal political entities or territories should not limit the freedom of Belief Scientists or others to practice religion.  Belief Scientists seek homes in places that allow free expression of faith.  They may seek political careers or support or express political opinion as participatory citizens, but they do not support laws or standards inconsistent with Canons of the Church or destructive of religious freedom or practices. (This is the principle of “Free Religious Practice.”)
Belief Scientists believe in unfettered communication and free speech, and they engage in interaction with individuals inside and outside the Church and communicate Church ideals.  (This is the principle of “Free Religious Expression.”)
Evil is that which is destructive of human life, disabling, harmful or exploitive of children, or restrictive of the freedom to practice the Canons of the Church. Belief Scientists act to avoid evil, or when possible and without offensive action against other humans, to act in a way that will bring evil to an end. Disease, war, famine, exploitation of children, and causes of disabilities are the embodiment of evil; they are to be avoided, prevented, and/or ameliorated. (This is the principle of “Non-maleficence.”)
Belief Scientists demonstrate their commitment to the common good by assisting others, especially those in need. The ill and disabled are to be assisted and aided.  Those with incurable diseases are to be helped, assisted, treated, and given loving care. (This is the principles of “Beneficence.”)
Belief Scientists do not partake of offensive actions against other human beings.  War and fighting are to be avoided.  Only acts of self-defense are acceptable, and only then for the protection of self, loved ones, and one’s lived territory. One’s “lived territory” is that land or space which is inhabited and necessary for survival by nature of basic needs. (This is the principle of “Non-offensiveness.”)
Education and study, scientific, philosophical, religious, or otherwise, is valued and encouraged at the earliest ages. That which is learned is to be communicated, debated, and understood by all that are interested and capable. Agreement through the process of consensualizing is valued.  That which is communicated to the group orally or by other means is to be valued as worthy of discussion and debate.  The study and debate of the spiritual, scientific, or religious nature of humankind (the individual or the collective) is especially valued. (This is the principle of “Respect for Learning.”)
Belief Scientists treat others as they would want to be treated themselves. Belief Scientists do not discriminate on the basis of race, culture, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, human genetic or structural modification, or disability. They are fair and considerate to individuals of other religions.  (This is the principle of “Fairness.”)
Belief Scientists are of “nature” and they value natural resources and act to understand and to harmonize in their natural surroundings. They are conservative of natural resources.  They act to enhance the human condition in ways that are not destructive of the environment. When there are conflicts between survival needs and environmental integrity, Belief Scientists always attempt to minimize and to rectify any negative environmental effects of their decisions and actions. (This is the principle of “Respect for Nature.”)
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